Receive help
If you’re having trouble navigating the website or filling in the web forms, you can receive help by email: info@mira.ca. You can also email us with your opinions or suggestions for the site. This will help improve accessibility.
Definition of web accessibility
Web accessibility refers to a set of standards that allow people with disabilities to detect, understand, navigate and interact with the web, and that also benefit seniors experiencing changes in their physical capabilities. In 2012 in Canada, 13.7% of the population (3.8 million Canadians) reported living with a disability.
Web accessibility provides non-discriminatory access to users, regardless of their capabilities. For example, blind people must be able to navigate a website using speech synthesis or Braille screen-reading software, and those with hearing impairments must be able to access the content of a video through subtitling.
The accessibility standard
Mira.ca was designed according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, version 2.0, level AA, established by the World Wide Web Consortium.
Adaptation technologies
This site has been mainly tested using the following software:
- NVDA 2018.1 and Firefox 52 ESR
- Jaws 2018.1803.24 and Internet Explorer 11
- VoiceOver and Safari on MacOS 10.12 and on iOS 11
Site-specific tools for accessibility
Our website pages comply with the following criteria:
Content display
You can use the zoom functionality of your browser to enlarge the text and simplify the layout:
- PC: [control][+] keys
- Mac: [command][+] keys
Keyboard navigation
It is possible to navigate on the website using only the keyboard, with the [tab] key.
Playing videos
We use the video player provided by YouTube.
- The spacebar pauses/resumes the video.
- The [Home] and [End] keys take you to the beginning or end of the video, respectively.
- The [left] and [right] arrow keys allow you to go backward or forward a few seconds.
- The [up] and [down] arrow keys change the volume.
- [Esc] to exit full screen mode.
- The [CC] button activates the subtitles.
- A transcript is available under the video.
Non-compliant content
Some content items have accessibility barriers. These will be corrected step by step. Here are the main ones:
- Some of our forms are currently only available in PDF format and are not accessible.
Excluded content
Some content could not be made fully accessible, for example:
- Interactive maps; however, the same information is also available off-map.
- Sites outside the “Mira.ca” domain, such as the online donation platform or Facebook page
- Content automatically generated from external sites, such as the Instagram feed